raccoons in yard

Raccoon Removal: 9 Simple Steps to Get Rid of Raccoons

Raccoons can be a nuisance to homeowners, but they can also be a danger to your health and property. They can carry diseases, damage your home, and even attack people. If you think you may have a raccoon problem, it’s important to take action to get rid of them as soon as possible. This blog post will provide you with 9 simple steps to get rid of raccoons, as well as tips for humane raccoon removal and when to call a professional raccoon removal specialist.

Signs of a raccoon infestation

One of the first signs of a raccoon infestation is hearing strange noises in your attic or walls, especially at night. Raccoons are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night. If you hear scratching, scurrying, or chattering noises coming from your attic or walls, it’s likely that you have a raccoon problem.

Another sign of a raccoon infestation is seeing raccoon tracks in the snow or mud around your home. Raccoons have five toes on each foot, and their tracks are about the size of a human hand. If you see raccoon tracks around your home, it’s a good indication that you have a raccoon problem.

You may also find overturned trash cans or pet food bowls if you have a raccoon problem. Raccoons are scavengers, and they will eat anything they can find. If you find your trash cans or pet food bowls overturned, it’s likely that raccoons are the culprit.

In addition to these signs, you may also see damage to your home if you have a raccoon problem. Raccoons can damage your roof, roof vents, siding, and soffits. They can also chew on electrical wires, which can pose a fire hazard.

Finally, you may also smell a strong, musky odor around your home if you have a raccoon problem. Raccoons have a distinctive odor that is often described as musky or pungent. If you smell this odor around your home, it’s likely that you have a raccoon problem.

If you think you may have a raccoon problem, it’s important to take action to get rid of them as soon as possible. Raccoons can cause a lot of damage to your home and property, and they can also be a danger to your health.

Why are raccoons a problem?

Raccoons can be a nuisance, but they can also be a danger to your health and property. This section will discuss the reasons why raccoons are a problem, including the damage they can cause, the diseases they can carry, and their aggressive behavior.

Raccoons can cause significant damage to your property. They can chew on electrical wires, which can lead to fires. They can also damage your roof, siding, and soffits. Raccoons can also dig up your lawn and garden, and they can even get into your home through pet doors or open windows.

In addition to the damage they can cause to your property, raccoons can also carry diseases that are dangerous to humans. These diseases include rabies, tularemia, and leptospirosis. Raccoons can also carry fleas and ticks, which can spread other diseases.

Raccoons can also be aggressive, especially if they feel threatened. They can scratch, bite, and even attack pets and children. If you see a raccoon, it is important to stay calm and avoid making any sudden movements. Slowly back away and give the raccoon plenty of space.

For all of these reasons, it is important to take steps to keep raccoons away from your property. If you have a raccoon problem, you should contact a professional raccoon removal specialist.

9 simple steps to get rid of raccoons

If you’re struggling with a raccoon infestation, here are nine simple steps you can take to get rid of these pesky critters:

  1. Set up a raccoon-proof trash can. Raccoons are attracted to food, so one of the best ways to keep them away from your property is to make sure your trash is properly secured. Use a trash can with a lid that locks or bungee cords to keep the lid in place.
  2. Remove any food sources that may be attracting raccoons. In addition to trash, raccoons are also attracted to pet food, bird seed, and other food sources. Make sure to keep all of these items stored in sealed containers and out of reach of raccoons.
  3. Seal up any holes or cracks in your home that raccoons could use to get inside. Raccoons are excellent climbers and can squeeze through very small spaces. Inspect your home for any holes or cracks that they could use to get inside, and seal them up with caulk or weatherstripping. – inspect property for vulnerable areas
  4. Install a motion-activated sprinkler or light to deter raccoons. Raccoons are nocturnal animals, so they’re more likely to be active at night. Install a motion-activated sprinkler or light to deter them from coming onto your property.
  5. Use raccoon repellents. There are a number of commercial raccoon repellents available that can help to keep raccoons away from your property. These repellents typically contain ingredients that raccoons find unpleasant, such as peppermint oil or capsaicin.
  6. Maintain Your Property: Keep your property raccoon-free with regular upkeep. Trim trees and branches away from your home, control grubs in the lawn, and inspect outdoor structures for any potential entry points. These simple steps enhance the aesthetics of your surroundings while making it less appealing for raccoons to settle in.
  7. Secure Compost Bins: If you have a compost heap, consider transferring it to a secure bin and keeping it inside a shed. Raccoons are naturally attracted to compost, so limiting their access can act as a deterrent.
  8. Minimize Water Sources: Raccoons are drawn to water, so decrease their interest by removing standing water on your property. Fix any leaky faucets and optimize drainage systems to create an environment that’s less enticing for them.
  9. Get a wildlife inspection: If you have tried DIY raccoon removal methods and they have failed, or if you have raccoons living in your attic or walls, you may need to call a professional raccoon removal specialist.

Is trapping and relocating raccoons an effective solution?

Our belief? Live Trapping and Relocation is a Temporary & Inhumane Fix

While live trapping may appear as a swift answer to a raccoon issue, it’s merely a short-term solution. Rather than simply removing the present pest, homeowners should look at the root cause—what attracted the raccoon in the first place. Neglecting this step might result in an ongoing cycle of new raccoons taking up residence. The key lies in protecting your home against wildlife for a lasting and humane solution.

Challenges in a New Environment

Relocated raccoons encounter numerous challenges in unfamiliar surroundings. From searching for food, water, and shelter to navigating territorial disputes with resident animals, the odds are stacked against them. Disease transmission is also a concern, potentially impacting local wildlife populations.

Unforeseen Consequences: Stress, Harassment, and Separation

Trapped raccoons may face harassment from domestic pets and other wildlife, escalating their stress and the risk of injury or death. If relocated, raccoons could be separated from their young, leaving dependent offspring to face an inhumane fate.

Legal Implications of Relocating and Trapping

Ontario regulations explicitly prohibit the relocation of trapped raccoons to a distance greater than one kilometer. Trapping and relocating raccoons within this range is against the law under the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. The improper use of live traps, causing animal suffering, may lead to animal cruelty charges under the Ontario PAWS Act.

Trapping, despite initial intentions, doesn’t eliminate the raccoon problem. As long as an inviting habitat exists, raccoons will persist.

Humane raccoon removal tips

  • There are several humane ways to remove raccoons from your property. Here are a few tips:
  • Remove all food sources that may attract raccoons. This includes pet food, garbage, and bird feeders. Make sure to keep your trash cans covered and your pet food stored in a sealed container.
  • Seal any holes or cracks in your home that raccoons could use to enter. Raccoons can squeeze through very small openings, so be sure to inspect your home carefully and seal any gaps.
  • Conduct a comprehensive inspection of your property by taking a thorough walk around. Pay close attention to the condition of your roof and the exterior of your house. Examine for any vulnerabilities in the soffits, shingles, or roof vents.
  • Install a one-way door that allows raccoons to leave your home but prevents them from re-entering. This is a humane way to remove raccoons from your attic or other areas of your home.
  • Hire a professional raccoon removal company to humanely remove the raccoons from your property. If you are unable to remove the raccoons yourself, you can contact a professional raccoon removal company to do it for you.

When to call a raccoon removal professional:

If you have tried DIY raccoon removal methods and they have failed, or if you have raccoons living in your attic or walls, you may need to call a professional raccoon removal specialist. Raccoons can be dangerous animals, and they can cause significant damage to your property. A professional raccoon removal specialist will have the experience and knowledge to safely and effectively remove raccoons from your property.

Here are some signs that you may need to call a raccoon removal specialist:

* You have seen raccoons on your property, on your roof or in your home.

* You have heard strange noises in your attic or walls, especially at night.

* You have found raccoon tracks in the snow or mud around your home.

* You have found overturned trash cans or pet food bowls.

* You have found damage to your home, such as damage to your roof, siding, and soffits.

* You have found a strong, musky odor around your home.

If you notice any of these signs, reaching out to a professional raccoon removal specialist is crucial. Raccoons pose risks to both your property and health. Professionals have the expertise to safely remove raccoons from your premises and implement preventive measures. Additionally, seek professional assistance if a raccoon has caused significant damage to your property to ensure safe removal and prevent further harm.

For peace of mind and a swift resolution to your raccoon infestation, contact First Class Wildlife Removal. Our team is equipped to handle all aspects of wildlife removal, ensuring a safe and humane resolution to your wildlife concerns.

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